


Searching For The One



Cover image by goranmax from Pixabay. Cover art by Gregory Hedgepeth.

Cover image by goranmax from Pixabay. Cover art by Gregory Hedgepeth.

Third apartment on this floor and all hopes of finding her were fading away. I walked through a wall and sat on a couch. Well, this was a nice apartment. Lots of African art and it smelled of incense.

I looked around for the remote. Since I had no hopes of finding “the one,” I might as well get comfy. I wondered if they had potato chips. They didn’t have any on my earth. I had barely picked up the remote to turn it from an outrageous reality TV show, when a girl came around the corner from the kitchen.

She dropped her plate. “What the hell are you doing in my house?”

I was equally as shocked. “You can see me?”

She looked confused. “Of course I can—did you think you were invisible? I’m calling the cops! You can’t just break into people’s houses and sit on their couch. Weirdo.”

I had found “the one.” I smiled as my fangs grew. Now it was time to fight.

Chi Chavanu Ase is a science-fiction/fantasy author who was first introduced to sci-fi by her mother at an early age. Often sent to her room for misbehaving, she would curl up in a blanket with one of her mother’s books which subsequently ignited the spark that would fuel her love for literature. She initially began writing and performing poetry at the age of twelve. Over time, she began to notice how difficult it was to find books that she could associate or identify with the characters, given the lack of representation. Thus, it became her greatest desire that little Black children would see themselves represented in every genre, especially sci-fi. Her first book, Journey to Ghana and Other Stories, focuses entirely on the Black experience. Likewise, it is her desire to continue writing stories and producing literary work that Black people can see themselves represented in. Chi currently resides in California with her fine-ass husband and amazing children.