


Posts tagged Scriptures Of Gold
The Key to Manifesting The Life You Desire



What is your spiritual background? 

I was born into a Christian family. I come from a long line of preachers and ministers. 


Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice?

Writing is absolutely a form of spiritual practice, because creative energy is the most powerful energy we have. I believe all art forms are a method of spiritual practice because what manifests comes from an ethereal place. Yet, somehow, we all find a piece of ourselves in others art, writing, music, etc. Creating is cathartic - it offers a healing release of things that need to be purged, or things that need to be birthed. 

Image by Zoltan Matuska from Pixabay

Image by Zoltan Matuska from Pixabay


What spiritual disciplines do you connect with most?

I don't know if there is a specific discipline I could name. As I've been working with my ancestors more and digging deeper into my lineage, I've discovered there are many things that resonate with the ways that feel most comfortable in expressing and building my connection with The Creator and my “tribe on the other side.” From Reiki, Herbalism, some hoodoo and shamanism, I ask for guidance and do what feels right. 


What experiences have most shaped your spiritual life?

I would say my spiritual life has been consciously shaped by the hardships I’ve faced. Being homeless, hopeless and broke, and seeing others living with supposed ease. It made me say, “Ok, I know better is out there and it's possible, but why isn't it happening for me?” That question led me to seek God on a deeper level, because I figured there was obviously something I was missing, and I needed to fine-tune my antennas to better navigate life. 


How can we deepen our connection to spirituality?

The best way to deepen your connection to spirituality is daily prayer and meditation. Daily prayer and meditation are going to help you connect with your own inner voice and intuition to create a clearer channel between you and your Creator. You will also be able to build a more authentic connection with yourself, which will allow you to release social constructs that you've been conditioned with. Once you release these things, you will be able to live more authentically and freely. 


What can I do or learn right now to aid my spiritual growth, evolution, and development?

Meditation, meditation, meditation. Knowing yourself, your desires, your dreams, likes and dislikes outside of social conditioning and the need for social validation will free you in ways you wouldn't imagine. When you know yourself and your inner self, you can sharpen your discernment. And when you're discerning, you can save yourself from a lot of inner and outer low-vibrational influence. 


How would you help someone with my manifesting?

Some of my recommendations regarding manifesting would be to use your creative energy or sexual energy. Within yourself or with a partner, you can set an intention, and then masturbate while holding that intention, until you climax and release the energy. The key to manifestation is incorporating all five senses into your desire. What does it look like? What does it feel, smell, sound and taste like? The more detailed you can be, the better. When your desire is in alignment with what you say, do, feel and think, you can clearly draw it into your reality. However, if you are confused or sending mixed signals, then you will get just that. 

The key to manifestation is incorporating all five senses into your desire. What does it look like? What does it feel, smell, sound and taste like? The more detailed you can be, the better.
— Danielle Elaine

What do you do when you feel scared or overwhelmed by spiritual guidance?

I do not fear the spiritual realm, because I know and trust that I am always protected and that things are always working for my greatest good in all ways. However, journaling, downloads, taking baths, grounding practices and meditation help me work things out when I am feeling overwhelmed by spiritual guidance. I am very honest in my spiritual practice with my team and I speak to them in prayer and aloud throughout the day the same way I would anyone else. 


How would you handle a situation where you’re growing spiritually, but your friend or partner isn’t?

This can be tricky, because all things work in divine time and order. And in some cases, one partner might be on the path of evolution and ascension and can act as a catalyst for the other person to begin their journey. However, if one is growing and shedding and becoming their highest and best self, naturally the relationship will become uncomfortable for each person, because they are no longer aligned with one another. When you find yourself out of alignment with people, places and things, it is always best to move on from them willingly before spirit forces you. 


How do you know if you’re hearing the truth in meditation or If it’s just your own ego speaking to you?

Discernment takes practice. I always recommend beginners start with affirmations they can repeat to focus their mind. It's hard to describe, but eventually, you just know. And in those moments you are questioning yourself, ask for more clarity or a more concrete answer. A lot of the questioning and second guessing we subject ourselves to is rooted in feeling that we are not worthy or deserving of the things desire. Once you kill that lie - the voice telling you that you're not good enough or that good things can't happen to you - you will begin to see and feel a change. 


How can a person strengthen and develop their intuitive gifts?

Intuitive gifts can be strengthened through meditation and prayer daily, of course. Getting more acquainted with your inner self, but also in those moments you hear last minute advice, practice taking it. Think about the times when you're about to walk out the door and something tells you to grab an umbrella, but you choose not to because you checked the weather and it said nothing about rain. But then you leave and it rains while you’re out. Those are the moments your intuition - your higher knowing - is speaking to you, trying to help you navigate life. Just listen. Silence your mind, silence logic and reason, and just trust it. 

Image by Cindy Lever from Pixabay

Image by Cindy Lever from Pixabay


Is suffering a necessary part of the human condition?

I don’t believe so. I think it is a condition we have been convinced is necessary, because we have been socialized to think that good things are only earned or “deserved” through strenuous effort and labor, especially melanated people. I believe that life has its highs and lows. However, the lows do not have to be seen or felt as catastrophic occurrences if we shift our perspectives, free ourselves from social constructs, and listen the first time The Creator and Our Tribe on the Other Side tells us something. 


Does hardship make a person stronger? If so, under what conditions and at what point is it too much hardship? If not, what makes a person stronger?

I do not think hardship making one stronger is a concrete concept in itself. I think that yes, it can make one stronger at times, if someone is able to be subjective and learn from their mistakes, take accountability and responsibility for their actions. I do not think there are any set conditions or a one-size-fits-all situations though, because we all have different thresholds of endurance. I do believe overall that one's will is the only thing that can truly shape their strength. What are you willing to overcome? What are you willing to work for? What are you willing to change and let go of to become who you want to be? What are you willing to do or sacrifice to get where you want to go?


What is the best way for a person to attain happiness?

The best way for someone to attain happiness is to decide they want to be happy.  Once you make the choice, you just have to fine tune each moment in your reality to fit what you’ve decided happiness is to you. Get detailed and specific about what your version of happiness is, down to the people, experiences, places and be sure to include all your five senses as you design your new happy reality. Once you've got that mapped out, denounce and stay away from everything that doesn't look like the world you've created. 

Image by Jackson David from Pixabay

Image by Jackson David from Pixabay


From what or whom do you draw the strength to endure a difficult situation?

I would have to say myself and the God within. I’ve been through a lot, so I know that hard times come again - it's only for a time and will not last. I also know that I am not alone through hard times and that everything is only for my greatest and highest good. I am not the type to focus on the problem, but a solution. Sometimes, the solution is taking my hands off the wheel and trusting that I am taken care of always in all ways. 


What is something you consider to be a great personal success? Why was it so significant?

I never stop to think about my accomplishments, so it's hard to say. There is nothing in particular that stands out right now. I think a part of that is that my goals are constantly changing. I've just always set a goal, reached it and moved on to the next thing. 


What is the key to maintaining balance in your life?

The key to maintaining balance in my life is mom breaks. Taking time just for me and absolutely keeping a schedule, writing things down and having a general routine. 


Can we ever believe someone when they say their intentions are different from their actions? 

I think this best assessed case by case, because there are instances where people genuinely have trouble communicating and interacting with others, so their intentions may be lost in translation. However, if what someone says is consistently misaligned with what they do, and you've tried to communicate with them to no avail, do not subject yourself to the confusion any longer. 


Where does your self-worth come from?

My self-worth comes from my connection to the ethers. Knowing I am an ancient cosmic being, a child of The Creator. In those human moments where I begin to compare or get social media envy, I remind myself about the things I truly value and want outside of social optics, perceptions and validation. 


If you could teach the entire world just one concept, what would it be?

Probably to just mind your business. When you focus on becoming your greatest and highest self, that increase in your frequency reverberates and changes those around you. Yes, step in to save an elderly person or speak up when you see an injustice. However, there is no reason to pass judgement on anyone for doing something you don't agree with. What you give your energy and attention to multiplies, so focus on yourself. 

Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay

Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay


What do you feel most grateful for in your life ?

I am most grateful for my growth and healing. The changes I have made within have profoundly impacted my family and I'm grateful for the ability to directly affect and curate my reality as I desire.

Hailing from New Jersey, Danielle Elaine is prolific writer with a love affair for words. She is a self-published author of the book, Love Letters I Never Sent. Although she specializes in a wide range of poetry, she has gained experience writing for print and online publications such as KONTROL and KONTROL Girl Magazine, MommyNoire, MadameNoire and more. On a quest to pursue a passionate and purpose driven life, Danielle found herself on a journey of self-healing.

Through her rediscovery of crystals, she found herself following universal breadcrumbs to spiritual evolution, energetic growth and healing. Today, Danielle takes comfort in a fluid existence. As a Mother, creator, healer, vessel, she happily greets each day using the spiritual guidance and tools imparted to her. As a healer, and vessel she only seeks to show others, especially women and children, how easily they can free themselves from social shackles weighing down their physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Life Lessons I Learned the Hard Way



What do you consider to be two major turning points in your life?

Two major turning points in my life would be leaving NJ to attend undergrad at CAU and the birth of my daughter. It was pivotal being immersed in Black southern culture after a lifetime of suburban living. My time in Atlanta definitely helped lay the foundation for who I am today. Secondly, becoming a mother was the catalyst that sparked my journey as a published writer and freelance blogger for major print and online publications. Becoming a mother also was the catalyst that initiated my healing journey and led me to reiki and spiritualism. 

Image by AsiaEmerlle from Pixabay

Image by AsiaEmerlle from Pixabay


If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

Everything. When I was in high school, I moved in with my dad to attend a performing arts school in Brooklyn. I wanted to leave one weekend to visit friends and family, but he said if I left I couldn't come back, so I tested him. I regret that. 


If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

Unwavering discipline and dedication. I would have accomplished so much more by now if I wasn't so easily swayed by my own thoughts, fears and insecurities. 


Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?

Yes. I haven't done it yet because I haven't had the room or space to pursue it - but I know when the time comes, it will manifest. 


If you knew that you would die suddenly in exactly one year, would you change anything about the way you are now living and why?

Yes, I would stop paying bills, sell everything and spend my time traveling and pouring out everything i have to leave behind. 

Image by Masashi Wakui from Pixabay

Image by Masashi Wakui from Pixabay


If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone and why haven’t you told that individual yet?

I wish I had something romantic to say and someone to say it to, but I don't. I think in working on my throat chakra and overall healing, I have said all I needed to say, so I wouldn't leave earth wishing I said more. 


What one thing would you give up to become a better writer?

I'm set on my end goal and I would give up anything to get there in order to become a better writer. 


Favorite book when you were a kid?

My favorite books when I was a kid were Oh no Otis and Messy Bessey's Garden, and even though I was scared of it, Rumplestiltskin. I would have my mom and Granny read these to me every day and night. 


What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a writer, singer, actress, artist and a rapper. I'm good at being an actress, and rapper at this point, HA!


What was your dream job when you were younger?

Y'all are going to judge, but I don't care. The only “job” I really dreamed about having was being a stripper. My logic then (which I still think is completely sound) is that everyone loves strippers and they have tons of money. Had I not been fearful of others; opinions, I would have definitely tried it. 


What’s for dinner tonight? What would you rather be eating?

Tonight, we are having spinach ravioli for dinner - but i wish it was curry veggies and roti.


What’s your favorite food?

This is so hard to answer, because I love all food. Soul food, Caribbean food and Italian food being my top three categories. 


What is the best part of your day?

The morning. I love the way the sun pours into my home and showers my plant babies. I love that scene. Second, is laying cuddled up with my daughter watching a movie that I always end up falling asleep to. 


If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?

If I could choose three people to invite to a dinner party, I would choose D Smoke, Mia Ray and The Vogue Lawyer. I think these three would be a great time and conversation. They are all extremely intelligent and talented individuals that I truly admire. I know I'd leave full of knowledge and wisdom after a conversation over dinner with these phenomenal people. I can only imagine the range of topics that would be discussed. 


Share something your readers wouldn’t know about you.

I am Jamaican, but I’ve never been. I've always wanted to go, and when I finally booked a trip, I ended up getting invited for an interview, and got into a car accident on the way. I was so frustrated and frazzled that I decided not to go, and now, I regret not going. 


If there could only be one season a year, what would you want it be?

One season a year is ideal and my choice would be summer. I hate being cold, even though my birthday is in the winter. I prefer tropical climates so much that I intend to move to a tropical country one day.


If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

Funny, introspective and perceptive. 


If you could cure a disease, what would it be?

If I could cure a disease, it would be capitalism. This colonial concept has destroyed humanity and significantly diminished our experience on earth, at least for those of us that do not have disposable income. 


If you could choose celebrity parents, who would you choose?

I would definitely choose Beyonce and Jay-Z or Rihanna. I think Rihanna would be a cool mom, she's always seemed fun and down to earth, and has proven to be very business smart. I would choose Beyonce, because of the level of access she's been able to build from her work ethic for her children. With that kind of access and their resources, the possibilities are endless. 




What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

I think I’ve taken the hard road my whole life, intentionally and unintentionally. Due to my upbringing, I never felt like asking for help was okay, which led me to taking the long road to the finish line in a lot of ways. Also, until recently, communicating in any way was very difficult for me, because growing up expressing myself was always met negatively and I grew to assimilate it with confrontation, which I'd formerly avoided at all costs. Now, I'm confident in myself and my feelings and my throat chakra is balanced, so I speak up when necessary.

Hailing from New Jersey, Danielle Elaine is prolific writer with a love affair for words. She is a self-published author of the book, Love Letters I Never Sent. Although she specializes in a wide range of poetry, she has gained experience writing for print and online publications such as KONTROL and KONTROL Girl Magazine, MommyNoire, MadameNoire and more. On a quest to pursue a passionate and purpose driven life, Danielle found herself on a journey of self-healing.

Through her rediscovery of crystals, she found herself following universal breadcrumbs to spiritual evolution, energetic growth and healing. Today, Danielle takes comfort in a fluid existence. As a Mother, creator, healer, vessel, she happily greets each day using the spiritual guidance and tools imparted to her. As a healer, and vessel she only seeks to show others, especially women and children, how easily they can free themselves from social shackles weighing down their physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Two Major Reasons Why a Big Ego is Necessary for Creative Success



What is your writing kryptonite?

I would have to say discipline and social media. I cannot sit still for too long, and I often pick up my phone and head straight to socials and get lost there way longer than I should. 


Do you believe that a big ego helps or hurts writers?

I think a big ego is necessary for all creatives. It is necessary to fuel the drive to publish our work. If we do not believe in our work, if we do not have the confidence to share and showcase our work, then what's the point?


What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?

I hope I'm not forgetting anyone, but I don't think I have any author friends. 


If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Start sooner. Write more, read more and look to publish your work sooner. Do not give into the fear of others’ perceptions and live out loud. Now. 


What does literary success look like to you?

Becoming a multi-time New York Times bestselling author with all my books in the homes of my favorite creatives and completely living off royalties from writing. Being financially stable and worry-free, able to live outside of the U.S. and write from a remote, tropical location. 


How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

Publishing my first book opened me up to working with others, seeking outside editors and feedback to make sure my projects are perfect before they release. I was so used to being hyperindependent previously, but now I am open to asking for help when and where its needed and not rushing the process so much. 


What advice would you give a new writer just starting out?

Just write! Don't think about everythingjust get it out of your head and down on paper. Worry about the fine details and following the writing rules after. That's what the editing process is for. I would also say don't be scared of change. And also that it's okay to take a step away and come back with fresh eyes. Remember that writing is art and you can create as you see fit. There is something out there for everyone, so just pour out your gift in your own way. 


When did you first consider yourself a writer?

I have always considered myself a writer. It was initially my only form of communication. As I got older and read more, eventually, the desire began to share my words with the world. 


What is the most difficult part about writing?

The most difficult part about writing for me is the actual act of sitting there and writing. I cannot sit still and work on one thing for too long. The task begins to feel tedious and I have to take a million breaks. I would prefer to make my mind up about writing fifty pages, so I’m just being able to sit and get it done with a laser focus. 


[A big ego] is necessary to fuel the drive to publish our work. If we do not believe in our work, if we do not have the confidence to share and showcase our work, then what’s the point?
— Danielle Elaine


What is your favorite and least favorite part of the publishing journey?

Simultaneously, my favorite and least favorite part of the publishing journey is working with others. The lack of control is frustrating, because things aren't getting done in my desired time or as fast as I'd like. However, I love it because working with others has allowed me to elevate my work, which is important to me. I want to pour out the best I have to give in everything that I do.


Have you always wanted to be a writer?

Yes, I have always wanted to be a writer. I actually published my first book in 1995. I vaguely remember it being a class project that our teacher put together. I also remember getting a typewriter I wanted for Christmas, and sitting in front of the TV, watching a Michael Jackson interview and fake typing on it as if I were a reporter. I had a list of things I wanted to be, and writer was at the top of my list, and so far it's what has stuck.


What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?

The most difficult part of my artistic process is the discipline to keep working through those moments or feelings of stagnation. As a creative, I realized I'm always searching for this particular frequency rather than just being present and doing the work. 


What famous author do you wish would be your mentor?

I wish Octavia Butler, James Baldwin and Tomi Adeyemi could be my mentors. I think these are phenomenal writers with powerful, poignant and timeless work. 


What do you like to do when you are not writing?

Listening to music. I love it and I look forward to adding it to my resume of accomplishments as a writer at some point. Besides music, it's definitely reading books and tending to my plants. 


Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Writing energizes me, because it's cathartic. It gives me an opportunity to pour out the things I've consciously or unconsciously locked away. When I'm fully engaged with my creativity, it makes me feel alive and offers a freedom I get high on. 


If you had to do something differently as a child or teenager to become a better writer as an adult, what would you do?

I would read more, even though I actually read A LOT as a kid. I would ride my bike to the library in the summer and check out books daily. At some point, I lost that and I wish I hadn't. I would’ve also started a blog as a teenager and put myself out there more as far as contests, open mics and poetry slams. 


How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Too many! I have a novel, a script and two or three more books of poetry marinating. 

Hailing from New Jersey, Danielle Elaine is prolific writer with a love affair for words. She is a self-published author of the book, Love Letters I Never Sent. Although she specializes in a wide range of poetry, she has gained experience writing for print and online publications such as KONTROL and KONTROL Girl Magazine, MommyNoire, MadameNoire and more. On a quest to pursue a passionate and purpose driven life, Danielle found herself on a journey of self-healing.

Through her rediscovery of crystals, she found herself following universal breadcrumbs to spiritual evolution, energetic growth and healing. Today, Danielle takes comfort in a fluid existence. As a Mother, creator, healer, vessel, she happily greets each day using the spiritual guidance and tools imparted to her. As a healer, and vessel she only seeks to show others, especially women and children, how easily they can free themselves from social shackles weighing down their physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Danielle Elaine Reveals the Highlight of Her Book of Affirmations



What is the key theme or message of your book?

The key theme is healing and inspiration. I want people to read this and find the courage to dig for diamonds within themselves and their lives. Find the silver lining in their circumstances and follow it through to their purpose. 


What is the significance of the title, SCRIPTURES OF GOLD?

I come from a religious Christian background, and the title signifies the importance, and the weight of the words within. Just like holy texts are memorized and canonized in our lives guiding and inspiring us to live and do better, I want my book to be held in the same regard - the only difference is there is no fear-mongering, shaming, and conformity requirements.

SOG Front Cover Option 2 - final.jpg

Do you write while listening to music? If so, what music inspired or accompanied this current book?

I do sometimes write while listening to music, and when I do it is usually something soothing or songs i do not know, so that I do not get distracted by singing along.


You also write fiction—was the process different for a book of affirmations and what challenges did you face writing it?

Yes, I would say the process was different in that I have to tap into a different space for affirmations. This book is meant to open the door to healing, so while I wrote it, I tapped into the collective consciousness to feel what was needed. These words are to spark hope and optimism and ambition and confidence from within. 


What was the highlight of creating this book?

The highlight of creating this book was speaking to my inner child. I was writing to help heal others, and healed myself at the same time. When I thought of the concept for this book, it was for melanated children to find hope and light in this often cruel world. But I realized that these are things people of color of all ages and walks of life need as well. 

Author Photo - Danielle Elaine.jpg

Are you working on anything at the moment you would like to share with your readers?

I am currently building out a podcast, available on all platforms. Lucy’s Apothecary x Healing Corner offers meditations that can be used while awake or sleeping. I am also working with The Sunshine Project Kid, which is a platform for conscious parenting, offering tools and resources such as children's meditations and affirmations. Lastly, my fiction novel A Minister’s Child should be completed by the end of the year. The novel is loosely based on my life and it's full of drama, suspense, and poetic scenes, which are my favorite. I'm really looking forward to finally releasing it. 


Tell us about your first published book. What was the journey like?

My first published book, Love Letters I Never Sent, was a compilation of poetry I had written throughout my teenage years and early twenties. Being a published author is something I have always wanted, and when I was in the midst of a deep depression and pregnant, thinking about what kind of mom I wanted to be, I had a revelation: I thought about not having the familial support behind my dreams, no one invested in me via writing classes, workshops or extracurriculars. I didn't want that for my daughter. I wanted her to know she could be or do anything she chose. With that, I realized I needed to have proof of what I was saying - how could I tell her to follow her dreams, when I had not? I needed to have something to show for what I would be preaching and that was the catalyst that got me to publish my first book. 


Where do you get your inspiration?

I draw inspiration from myself mostly. Myself and my life. I find I write what I need, or need to get through different circumstances. I also find inspiration in other art forms like music or paintings. I have a poem I wrote about hands that was inspired by my former barber. It talks about the creative process and the duality of the strength and softness in his hands. It's one of my favorite pieces. 


You’ve written fiction and now a book of affirmations. Do you have a preference?

I think poetry will always be my first love because it's like short, powerful stories. You get meaning bites and imagery in just a few lines, and I love that. It doesn't take much to make an impact with a poem. 


Is it easier for you to write one over the other?

It is definitely easier to write poetry or affirmations over fiction because fiction takes more detail and structure and nuance to writing rules. I'm a writer, but I do not honor the strict requirements of the writing profession. I just know words and how to appropriately pair them to create magic. 


What are you reading now?

I'm currently reading Nothing Down by Robert G. Allen, a book on investing in real estate without putting your own money up. I'm trying my hand at real estate until I hit NY Times Best Sellers and Oprah's Book Club.

Hailing from New Jersey, Danielle Elaine is prolific writer with a love affair for words. She is a self-published author of the book, Love Letters I Never Sent. Although she specializes in a wide range of poetry, she has gained experience writing for print and online publications such as KONTROL and KONTROL Girl Magazine, MommyNoire, MadameNoire and more. On a quest to pursue a passionate and purpose driven life, Danielle found herself on a journey of self-healing.

Through her rediscovery of crystals, she found herself following universal breadcrumbs to spiritual evolution, energetic growth and healing. Today, Danielle takes comfort in a fluid existence. As a Mother, creator, healer, vessel, she happily greets each day using the spiritual guidance and tools imparted to her. As a healer, and vessel she only seeks to show others, especially women and children, how easily they can free themselves from social shackles weighing down their physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Release Day Set for Danielle Elaine's First Book of Affirmations

The long-awaited Vital Narrative debut from Danielle Elaine finally has a release date.

SOG Front Cover Option 2 - final.jpg

Her book of affirmations will officially release on Tuesday, August 31st. Read the description below.

On a quest to pursue a more passionate and purpose-driven life, Danielle found herself on a journey of self-healing. Through her rediscovery of crystals, she followed a set of universal breadcrumbs to embrace healing, spiritual evolution and energetic growth.

As a mother, creator, healer and vessel, she takes comfort in a fluid existence, happily greeting each day using the guidance and tools imparted to her.

Through SCRIPTURES OF GOLD, Danielle Elaine seeks to show others—especially women and children—how easily they can free themselves from the social shackles weighing down their physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Scriptures Of Gold is now available for pre-order.